
Get insights that matter with Xebrio reports

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insights and actions in minutes.

Turn raw data into insightful reports. Track your key business metrics, see longtime trends, and identify outliers.

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Choose one from multiple ready-to-use reports

Gain more insights into project

Status Tracker Report

Requirement Reviewer Status Tracker
Shows reviewer status of all requirements created for a project which are waiting for reviews or awaiting requested changes.
Creation Reports
Task Creation Report
Shows the number of tasks created and updated with status over a period of time for a project.

Bug Creation Report

Shows the number of bugs created and updated with status over a period of time for a project. It can be viewed in weekly and monthly format.

Time tracking Reports


Time spent by task type
Shows graphical representation of total time spent in hours on all the tasks for a project by task type by week or month.


Time spent by bug type
Shows graphical representation of total time spent in hours on all the bugs for a project by bug type by week or month.


Time spent by task type

Shows detailed tabular representation of total time spent in hours on all the tasks for a project by task type by week or month.


Time spent by bug type

Shows detailed tabular representation of total time spent in hours on all the bugs for a project by bug type by week or month.

Make Xebrio your one stop place to manage all your requirements